Principio de pƔgina


You can find a short list of various community services here. If you are looking for something that you don't see here, 211 may be able to refer you to the right place.

Please visitĀĀ for an updated list of community services.


Washington 211 also has a searchable directory of services including housing, food, and much more.Ā

Vivienda y refugio

  • SNAP: MĆŗltiples programas de vivienda, incluyendo climatizaciĆ³n, ayuda hipotecaria y mĆ”s.

  • Familia Promesa: PrevenciĆ³n de la falta de vivienda, ayuda a la vivienda y mucho mĆ”s.

  • Shelter Me Spokane: Provides a list of shelters, their restrictions for entry, and their current availability.

pie de pƔgina